Corpse Reviver
After a good X’mas celebrations, it’s time for hangover cure Here is the Corpse Reviver from the family of cocktails intended as hangover remedy, hence the name as well.
I have my gin based Corpse Reviver. Only twist – I substituted the Vermouth with Chardonnay Dry white wine & instead of Absinthe I used the Peychaud bitters which too has Anise aroma. Also replaced Cointreau to Grand Marnier
Gin – 25 ml @greaterthangin
Lemon juice – 25 ml
Grand Marnier – 25 ml @grandmarnierofficial
Chardonnay – 25 ml
Peychaud bitters – A dash @peychaudsaperitivo
Orange twist – for garnish

Preparation Method
Shake ingredients together in a mixer with ice. Strain into chilled glass. Garnish with orange twist