Wine & Spirits Workshops
Workshops are a way to build in the overall confidence and understanding of a subject.
Check out the workshops on various subjects covereing wine, spirits and mixology and we are sure you will gain immense knowledge and a sense of fulfillment.
- Suitable for
- Solo, Couples, Group
- Duration
- 2 hours to 4 hours - 01 to 4 days
Wine Tasting: Sensory Techniques for Wine Analysis
Workshop Sensory Evaluation - Sensory Techniques for Wine Analysis – 4 days If you are looking forward to an exhaustive insight to wine tasting and sensory evaluation, then this workshop is one stop for you. This workshop covers what is wine, why we taste wine, how to taste wine analytically, how the senses respond to
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Whisky World
Workshop Unravel the Whisk(e)y World – 2 days For an in-depth knowledge in different styles of whiskies of the world, join us to this two days workshop where we will extend a broad overview on whiskies, unfold stories on the origin of whisk(e)y, cover shared production processes of the main styles of whisky, aromas and
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History of American Whiskies
While sipping an American whiskey, a thought might pass as to what is the difference between a bourbon & a Tennessee whiskey or from where the whiskey picks up all those rich, vanilla-accented aromas, along with coconut, cherry, sweet spice, which grain goes in making of the whiskey and so on and forth. Well, in
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Unboxing Gin
Workshop Unboxing Gin Gin is by far one of the most popular spirit and over the last couple of years has become on-trend drink. Made from juniper berries, Gin comes from the dutch drink “genever” or “geneva” that came to England in the 1600’s. For more on this join us in this workshop where we
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Unboxing Vodka
Workshop Unboxing Vodka Vodka is not only a neutral spirit, but also Vodka’s versatility is boundless and it can and can be enjoyed neat or mixed in a cocktail. Join us in this exhaustive workshop where we will uncover flavoured as well as unflavoured vodkas, regions, vodka types, production, classic vodka cocktails and vodka tasting.
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Cordials & Liqueurs
Workshop Cordials & Liqueurs Can you easily differentiate between Apéritifs & Digestifs or Bitters & Tinctures or Pastis vs Absinthe or have you heard of the Ouzo Effect. Well, Cordials and Liqueurs are an essential part of every bartender’s repertoire of knowledge. Without these “secondary” flavoring agents many, if not all popular cocktails couldn’t be
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Tequila & Mezcal
Workshop Tequila and Mezcal Sound of Tequila and Mezcal and what may come to mind - shots and thoughts of sunny beach, Margarita, Paloma, Blue Agave, and some may think of a worm floating in a bottle. Join in for one of the most entertaining workshop where we take you through the heart of
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Production & Styles of Beer
An insight to the history of beer An overview of beer Beer chemistry Different styles Brewing ingredients and processes Tasting concepts Pouring and serving concepts as well as food and beer pairings Glassware used for different beer styles Certificate: A Certificate will be issued on completion of the Workshop
World of Mixology
The world of mixology can be such an entertaining place with so much to learn from different types of spirits, liqueurs, modifiers to balancing of mixes, creating fabulous cocktails whether classic, contemporary or craft cocktails. Join us to the Art of Mixology. Introduction to the Mix World Tools and Skills of the trade The All
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Glassware Styles
Did you know Nick & Nora, Hurricane, Old Fashioned, Snifter, Willibecher, Nonic, Tulip are infact names of glasses recommended to drink specific types of beverage. This exhaustive workshop covers different styles of glassware and the beverage covering wine to beer to spirits that best suits a type of glass. Types of glassware used for different
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Comprehensive Course in Wine & Spirits
Workshop A comprehensive course on Wine & Spirits – 2 days (4 hours daily) This workshop has been designed for an in-depth understanding of important wine regions such as France, Italy, New Zealand, California etc and the wine types and styles. It also covers an overview of the different types of spirits and their production
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Crash Course in Wine & Spirits
Workshop Crash course in Wine & Spirits If you love your wine and spirits and would like to have an overview and better understanding of different types and styles of wine along with knowledge on various types of spirits, then join us in this crash course workshop. At the end of the course, you probable
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