Our Story
A life filled with dreams ready to explore one day. Being a passionate lover of Wine & Spirits accompanied with healthy lifestyle, it was the key to start ‘Wine & Spirits LifeStyle’ – in short “W&S-LS”.
The journey started shaping years ago when as a young boy I kept fitness as my top priority. With a decent job in place, increase in social gatherings I was introduced to Wine & Spirits. As an interest or may call it a hobby, I started deciphering the label of a bottle and the chemistry of the drink. This hobby grew leaps and bound. To keep myself abreast with the knowledge of Wine & Spirits, I pursued my reading habit & added to my repository a number of certification courses in Wine & Spirits. My certification in Wine Tasting : Sensory Evaluation – Sensory Techniques for Wine Analysis came from University of California, Davis. I completed short courses in the History of Bourbon and other American Whiskies, Gin, Vodka, Liqueurs and Cordials – Essentials in Bartending, Certification in understanding Tequila and Mezcal, Secrets of a Champion Mixologist, The Complete Wine Tasting Course etc. Thanks to the internet, I explored and enhanced my knowledge in types of Wines right from French Wines, the Port Wines, the Italian Wines, the New World Wines of California, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa & different types of Brandy and Sherry. I also enhanced my knowledge in Beer production styles, Whiskies of the World right from Scotch, Bourbon, Irish, Japanese to the Indian Single Malts and also in the traditional local spirits of different nations such as Ouzo, Sake, Feni, Tequila, Vodka etc. Over the years, I increased my collection of different types of glassware and explored how the right choice of glass can impact the aroma, bouquet, flavor and taste of a particular beverage.
Keeping it purely as a hobby and passion, the years of education in Wine & Spirits was a great learning curve. My past work experience of 30 years as a Customs Officer in different field formations enhanced my ability in understanding the legal definitions & the customs tariff classification of different categories of alcoholic beverages and the rate of duties when imported into the country. It was while working as an Assistant Commissioner of Customs and CGST in Goa is when I took a call to tender my papers voluntarily and bid farewell to the organisation after putting more than three decades of wonderful service & commenced my freelance journey in Wine & Spirits LifeStyle.
My passion to deep dive took me to Wisconsin Beer Brewery in the USA, the Napa Valley, California where I got the opportunity of doing a wine tour at Robert Mondavi winery. In addition, I explored a whiskey tour in my own backyard in Goa – The Paul John Whiskey Tour – The Single Malt.
Pairing drinks with food came naturally as my wife Rita is a great Chef and runs a Culinary Cooking School in Goa. She has not only professionalized in Goan Cuisine but has an excellent hand in preparing of Mediterranean & Italian Cooking. This gave me a wide range of selection to pair my drinks with food on a steady basis.
In pursuit to maintain a good lifestyle with a good balance between work, health, food, wine & spirits, I took responsible drinking as my foremost priority so that it does not affect work and health. Being an avid fitness freak, I added long distance running over the last ten years & completed a number of marathons including an ultra. I not only tell people how to pair drink with food but I also love to educate in best practices to appreciate a drink. It is this synergy of extending education in Wine & Spirits and to create an awareness of healthy balanced lifestyle that gave me the confidence to launch W&S LifeStyle in the land of fun, frolic, feni and food – Goa.
Passion knows no bounds. It can take you through endless opportunities. Understanding Wine & Spirits to its fullest and imparting and sharing knowledge to the wine and spirits lover is the ultimate goal!
Our Timeline

Started my career as a Customs Officer. During my free time I was driven towards understanding the beauty of wine and spirits. As a passionate wine enthusiast and spirits connoisseur, I educated myself by reading on different styles of spirits and wine. Kept this interesting passion growing along with work.
1990 - 2017

Certification Courses
During this period, I decided to take my hobby to the next level. I completed online certification courses in Wine Tasting & Sensory Evaluation from UC Davis, California. I added short time courses in understanding different Spirits such as Vodka, Gin, Whisk(e)y, Liqueurs from Udemy the online portal. I completed Wine, Beer and Whisky Tours at Robert Mondavi, California / New Glarus Brewery Wisconscin / Paul John Single Malt Distillery Goa respectively. These short courses alongwith self study by watching youtube videos on wine and spirits, attending wine and spirits systematic approach to tasting sessions and workshops definitely added the motivation to decide on taking a voluntary retirement from the service and plunge into the hobby full time.
2018 - 2019

Voluntary Retirement from Government Service
Finally on 10th November 2019, I took voluntary retirement from the Government Service, where I worked as an Assistant Commissioner of Customs & CGST, in the beautiful state of Goa. Though it was a tough call, but aim to pursue my hobby as an Wine & Spirits Enthusiast was now real. It was now time to plan out my second innings very systematically and with full vigour and spirit.
November - 2019

Wine Tours
Started my first outing in the month of February 2020 when I decided to take Winery tour of Nashik & covered a number of wineries right from Sula to Grover Zampa. Taking it a step forward I completed the WSET Level 2 certification. With lockdown conditions, it is now time to dwell into continuous online learning and watching online tasting sessions by the masters in the field of wine and spirits.